Fan letter creates lasting impact

Brendan O’Rourke and our number-one fan, student Drew Granat.

Brendan O’Rourke, vice president of natural resources, and our number-one fan, student Drew Granat.

It’s not every day that we get a fan letter from a fifth grader extolling the virtues of our Poland Spring® bottled water. But that’s exactly what we received in January from Drew Granat, a student at Hoboken Catholic Academy in Hoboken, New Jersey.

“I just want to let you know that your water is the most refreshing thing in the world,” he wrote. “I tell all my friends and family about your company. I prefer your water company because your water comes from springs.”

Drew’s enthusiastic letter led to our offer to make a presentation about water to his class of fifteen. Teacher Lori Seredvick eagerly accepted and on April 13, Brendan O’Rourke, vice president of natural resources, spoke to this next generation of water stewards. His interactive presentation included questions that tested the young audience members’ knowledge of the water cycle, types of water, why water is important and what kids can do to protect water, to name a few.

“They asked about everything,” Brendan said. “We even got into how we have regional spring waters, and they have different taste profiles.”

“The students were curious about where water came from and how many different products the company sold,” teacher Seredvick said. “They were able to make connections to the importance of the water cycle to the water that we drink.” Most significantly, she said that “after hearing how little water is fresh, the students realized that conserving water is very important.” This presented the perfect opportunity to then talk about what they can do to conserve water at home.

By all accounts, the presentation was a hit! According to Brendan, “As a result, the students have a better understanding of water, the water cycle, the importance of water, how not to pollute (and that) recycling is a key to a sustainable future.”

As for Drew, the budding water conservationist is now an even bigger fan of ours. “I learned a lot about water and how things can make fresh water dirty,” he said. “I also learned how to care for Earth’s water.”

Teaching young people about sustainability is an important part of what we do because our families and planet rely on water, and we believe that water decisions are best made with science in hand. We partner with local schools and organizations to help educate the next generation of water stewards.

Please follow Poland Spring and our other bottled water brands on Facebook at @polandspring, @arrowheadwater, @deerparkwater, @icemountainwater, @ozarkawater, and @zephyrhillswater.

Brendan O’Rourke gave a talk about water to an enthusiastic class of fifth grade students at Hoboken Catholic Academy in April.


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