Healthy Hydration
At BlueTriton Brands, we believe a brighter tomorrow begins with healthy habits today. And even small lifestyle changes can lead to a big impact on health. When you choose water – bottled, filtered or tap – you are making a simple, but important choice for living well.
Adding Water to MyPlate
Experts agree that choosing water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. But the fact is, kids don’t get enough of it. According to the CDC, about half of all schoolchildren are under-hydrated, but water isn’t included in the USDA’s iconic MyPlate graphic.
That’s why we are elevating the national conversation about healthy hydration and the role of water in a healthy future. The AAP’s Choose Water for Healthy Hydration tips say being well hydrated helps to improve mood, memory and attention in children. Water supports healthy joints, bones and teeth, helps the blood circulate, and can help kids maintain a healthy weight into adulthood. We are advocates for including water of any kind in the MyPlate graphic. It’s the primary tool used to educate Americans about nutrition, especially children.
Adding a water symbol to MyPlate spotlights the importance of drinking water in this easy-to-use and trusted source of nutrition information. Its inclusion can help kids consider other healthy beverage options, which can lead to their improved nutrition and positively affect their overall well-being.
Access to Clean Water
We believe everyone should have access to clean water to stay hydrated and healthy, but more than 2 million people living in the U.S. do not. That’s why we partner with nonprofit organizations to build infrastructure that expands water access to communities, such as Dig Deep’s Colonias Water Project.
BlueTriton is also proud to support the EPA’s new limit on PFAS to help protect drinking water and we encourage the FDA to adopt the EPA's new regulation. Long before the EPA issued this rule, BlueTriton adopted measures, including investing in our infrastructure to address PFAS and assure the safety of our products.
Choosing Healthy Hydration
Today, more Americans are choosing bottled water than ever before. Americans have a growing preference for water—mineral, sparkling, and still. Ensuring access to safe, sustainably sourced drinking water is a key part of how we lead in healthy hydration for today and for future generations.
Learn more about how we promote Healthy Hydration through Water Stewardship, Circular Packaging, and Community Support.