Watersheds We Help Protect
Sustainability > Water Stewardship > Colorado
BlueTriton has been a proud environmental steward, community supporter, and local employer in Colorado for many years. We responsibly manage one spring site and a newly dedicated conservation easement, the Bighorn Springs State Wildlife Area, which preserves 122 acres of wildlife habitat along the Arkansas River.
Ruby Mountain Spring
BlueTriton Brands and Colorado Parks and Wildlife Dedicate New Conservation Easement
The new conservation easement, the Bighorn Springs State Wildlife Area, preserves 122 acres of wildlife habitat along the Arkansas River. Included in this State Wildlife Area is a new trail to a third fishing easement on the property, which is open to the public. The property buffers Browns Canyon National Monument and the Ruby Mountain Recreation Site.
Conservancy District reports progress on water storage project
BlueTriton and the Upper Arkansas Water Conservation District (UAWCD) have resumed collaboration on the Trout Creek Alluvial Storage project, where BlueTriton monitors local aquifers as part of its spring water operations and shares hydrogeological data from its monitoring wells.
Students visit Ruby Mountain Spring sites to learn about the water cycle
In 2022, Salida Crest Academy’s Middle School students visited BlueTriton’s Ruby Mountain Springs site to learn more about the water cycle and Colorado’s natural environment. This trip was led by a Humanities and Seminar teacher, who co-facilitates a school-wide community project that encourages students to engage with the community and dedicate service. She helps to plan learning expeditions inside and outside of the classroom and beyond Salida.
BlueTriton partners with local organizations to remove weeds and clear trails
In 2022, BlueTriton partnered with the Collegiate Peaks Chapter of Trout Unlimited (TU) to assist with the removal of willows, dead tumbleweeds, watercress, and invasive weeds at the Ruby Mountain Spring site. Educational signage was also reviewed and updated on the spring site and conservation easement in partnership with Colorado Parks & Wildlife. Additionally, BlueTriton partnered with Southwest Conservation Corps (Salida) to further assist with weed removal and clearing for the trail development at the Ruby Mountain and Bighorn Springs Sites.