Watersheds We Help Protect
Watersheds We Help Protect > Canada > Aberfoyle Spring
Aberfoyle Spring, Canada
BlueTriton Brands has been a proud community partner, environmental steward, and employer in Wellington County for over 20 years. Water supply sustainability is as critical to BlueTriton as it is to the community.
BlueTriton bottles water at the Aberfoyle facility in Puslinch, near the City of Guelph, in Southern Ontario. Pumping for commercial purposes from an on-site well, referred to as TW3-80, began in 2000 (see Figure 1 for the well location). The water taking is governed by a Permit to Take Water (PTTW) issued by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), which allows BlueTriton to withdraw up to 2,500 L/min for a total of 3,600,000 L/d.
Conserved Acres: 40
Total Acres: 140
2023 Withdrawals (Mgal): 163.6
Water Stress: Low
BlueTriton has conducted extensive testing and studies over the years to ensure that our operations do not diminish the availability of water for other users or the environment. Studies include:
Five pumping tests to evaluate aquifer properties and predict effects of water withdrawals;
Geophysical logging of wells to understand the bedrock geology;
Near-continuous measurement of groundwater and surface water levels;
Stream flow measurements in Aberfoyle Creek;
Water quality sampling in the overburden and bedrock aquifers; and
Ecological surveys of the wetlands and creeks.
Permit conditions require BlueTriton to monitor the natural and pumping-related variations in groundwater and surface water levels. BlueTriton additionally evaluates wetland vegetation, species diversity, stream flow, and stream temperature to ensure that the groundwater withdrawal does not affect the habitat of water-dependent ecology.
BlueTriton is dedicated to managing the water source for long-term sustainability because our business depends on it and because it is the right thing to do. There have been no adverse impacts on the aquifer or ecosystems resulting from over 20 years of operations at the Aberfoyle site.
Figure 1. BlueTriton’s Aberfoyle Property in Puslinch
Supply Well TW3-80
An aquifer is a highly permeable rock or sand formation that stores and transmits significant quantities of water. An aquitard is an impermeable rock or clay formation that impedes the movement of groundwater.
In the Aberfoyle area, groundwater for water supplies is typically derived from two bedrock aquifers, separated by an aquitard. The upper bedrock aquifer (Guelph Formation and Reformatory Quarry Member of the Eramosa Formation) consists of the shallowest bedrock and supplies water to numerous residences. BlueTriton’s well TW3-80 withdraws water from a deeper aquifer, the lower bedrock aquifer (Goat Island and Gasport Formations). A steel casing lines most of well TW3-80, such that water only enters the well from the lower bedrock aquifer, between 28.4 and 31.1 meters below ground. The upper bedrock and lower bedrock aquifers are separated by the intermediate bedrock aquitard (Vinemount Member of the Eramosa Formation), which resists the flow of water between the two aquifers.
TW3-80 Permit
BlueTriton is permitted to take water from TW3-80 at a rate of up to 2,500 L/min, or a maximum of 3,600,000 L/day. BlueTriton does not withdraw this full amount of water since water is only withdrawn when it is needed for bottling and plant operations. The current permit expires on November 15, 2026.
Site Monitoring
Independent scientists are contracted by BlueTriton to monitor the groundwater system, surface water features, wetlands, and natural environment at the Aberfoyle facility. Water extraction rates from TW3- 80 are recorded by BlueTriton and reported to the MECP. Monitoring efforts are designed so that BlueTriton’s operations do not adversely affect the groundwater, surface water and natural environments.
The groundwater and surface water monitoring program consists of monitoring at 73 points within 2 km of TW3-80 as follows:
TW3-80 (production well);
18 monitoring well nests of between one and five wells each (a total of 43 wells) that are completed at various levels in deep bedrock, shallow bedrock and the overburden;
5 surface water stations to measure stream levels;
8 mini-piezometer nests (a total of 16 piezometers) to measure shallow groundwater levels;
6 temperature stations to measure changes in stream temperature; and
2 private wells.
The ecological monitoring consists of:
Fish and fish habitat monitoring;
Water temperature monitoring;
Vegetation monitoring; and
Wildlife monitoring.
BlueTriton takes its environmental stewardship responsibilities seriously and is committed to sustainable management of natural resources. BlueTriton’s Aberfoyle water withdrawal activity has not resulted in adverse impacts to groundwater, surface water, wetlands, or other natural resources.
BlueTriton is committed to increasing the transparency of our operations and water stewardship practices through our Reading Room.
Questions about Aberfoyle Spring or the information contained in this summary can be directed to:
Water withdrawals at Aberfoyle Spring are regulated by:
• Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Conserved Acres represents the total land under management by BlueTriton that is where the natural environment is protected from development and pollution through the responsible management, development, and use of natural resources.
Total Acres represents the total land under management by BlueTriton, including watersheds and wetlands.
Annual Withdrawals represent the total volume of freshwater withdrawn from spring sources during the reporting period.
Water Stress is an aggregate measure of basin physical risk which combines water scarcity, flooding, water quality and ecosystem services status. Water stress is calculated for each region using the WWF Water Risk Filter Tool.
% Annual Watershed Precipitation means the amount of water that falls on an appropriately defined amount of land (e.g., watershed) that is relevant to a specific spring source in a year.